
April 14, 2023 | 新闻稿

UM Hosts First NAME Conference Since 2019 

澳门在线赌城娱乐教育与人类发展多样性委员会于3月10日主办了2023年阿拉巴马州全国多元文化教育协会(NAME)分会会议.   The theme of the conference was “The Ties that Bind: Transformative Practices for Equity.“会议邀请了受人尊敬的演讲者,他们热衷于创造教育的未来,这是[…]

April 13, 2023 | 新闻稿

UM Swimming Signee Featured as Bryant-Jordan Award Winner

澳门在线赌城娱乐游泳运动员阿黛尔·布兰德鲁普最近被阿拉巴马高中体育协会推荐为布莱恩特-乔丹奖学金项目学生成就奖获得者. 打破纪录的游泳运动员, Brandrup was born with CHARGE syndrome, a complex and rare condition that often causes vision and hearing difficulties, 心脏缺陷, struggles with breathing and balance and […]

March 24, 2023 | 学生关注的焦点

Featured Falcons: Brianna Bramlett

澳门在线赌城娱乐(澳门在线赌城娱乐)的学生布里安娜·布拉姆莱特(Brianna Bramlett)收到了她在Books-A-Million兼职的导师发来的一封电子邮件,内容是她参加了一个赢得诗人门票的比赛 & Writers Gala in New York City and thought, why not? Bramlett是英语和传播学双学位的学生,她想要从事一份职业[…]

March 23, 2023 | 新闻稿

澳门在线赌城娱乐 MADE Program Hosting Community Event with ¡HICA! 在杰夫州立大学

The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 MADE program will host “Building Barrier Breakers,” a community event with the Hispanic Interest Coalition of 阿拉巴马州 (¡HICA!) and the Jefferson State Community College Latino Association, 周二, April 4 at the Jefferson State Community College campus in Hoover. 下午五点半开门.m. and students and their families can […]

March 22, 2023 | 新闻稿

Buckner Receives 2023 UMNAA Young Achiever's Award

希瑟·伊莱恩·巴克纳' 14收到了2023年娜塔莉·莫尔顿吉本斯青年成就奖从蒙特瓦洛全国校友会的大学在他们的年度午餐会2月11日. 11 in Anna Irvin Dining Hall. 该奖项每年颁发给年龄在35岁或以下的校友,标准与校友成就奖相同.希瑟·伊莱恩[…]

March 22, 2023 | 新闻稿

Greer Receives 2023 Nathalie Molton Gibbons 校友 Achievement Award

辛迪克拉克格里尔' 88收到了2023年娜塔莉莫尔顿吉本斯校友成就奖从蒙特瓦洛全国校友会的大学在他们的年度午餐会2月11日. 11 in Anna Irvin Dining Hall. 该奖项每年颁发给35岁或以上的校友,其职业和社区贡献在当地产生了积极的影响, 国家[…]

March 22, 2023 | 新闻稿

查普曼 Receives 2023 UMNAA Distinguished 校友 Award

亲爱的. Beth 查普曼 ’84 received the 2023 Distinguished 校友 Award, which is the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 National 校友 Association’s highest annual honor, at their annual luncheon Feb. 11 in Anna Irvin Dining Hall. 查普曼, 格林维尔的本地人, 阿拉巴马州, 胡佛的居民, is a member of the University’s Board of Trustees and served two terms […]

March 22, 2023 | 新闻稿

查普曼 Receives 2023 UMNAA Distinguished 校友 Award

亲爱的. Beth 查普曼 ’84 received the 2023 Distinguished 校友 Award, which is the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 National 校友 Association’s highest annual honor, at their annual luncheon Feb. 11 in Anna Irvin Dining Hall. 查普曼, 格林维尔的本地人, 阿拉巴马州, 胡佛的居民, is a member of the University’s Board of Trustees and served two terms […]

March 21, 2023 | 新闻稿

UMNAA Celebrates 2023 Award Winners at Homecoming Luncheon

澳门大学全国校友会在2月9日的年度午宴上表彰了2023年返校奖得主. 11 in Anna Irvin Dining Hall. 亲爱的. Beth 查普曼 ’84 received the 2023 Distinguished 校友 Award, which is the UMNAA’s highest annual honor. Cindy Clark Greer ’88 received the 2023 Nathalie Molton Gibbons 校友 Achievement Award, 这是给定的[…]

March 10, 2023 | 教师关注的焦点

特色猎鹰:Dr. 格雷戈里·塞缪尔

你的名字是什么?目前在澳门在线赌城娱乐的头衔是什么? Dr. 格雷戈里·塞缪尔, 2014年起担任中学教育副教授,2020年起担任首席多元化和包容性官. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? I am originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. […]

March 3, 2023 | 毕业生档案

Featured Falcons: Julia Maloney

Originally from Jacksonville, 阿拉巴马州, 澳门在线赌城娱乐 alum Julia Maloney now resides in Arlington, 维吉尼亚州, and works as a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice Anti-Trust Division. 马宏升2013年毕业于澳门大学,获得政治学学士学位,辅修法律预科. In the summer of 2012, she participated in […]